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Kalanidhi Dance School

Endurance class

 Per Trimester

This class will allow students to improve stamina and endurance, reinforce technique and build core and flexibility.

The Endurance class is open to students of all levels.

We believe a lot of dance is learnt from observation. In individual classes, students do not get an opportunity to observe students from different levels. The intermingling of different levels in one class has many benefits to learning.

This class will allow students to improve stamina and endurance, reinforce technique and build core and flexibility.

Endurance class


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Ashburn Location
Studio A
6:00pm- 7:30pm

Endurance class

Ashburn Location
Studio A
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Endurance class


Bethesda Location
Studio A
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Meet Your Instructors

Managing Director

Lavanya Thamire

A beloved teacher, she has touched the lives of hundreds of students.
Founder & Artistic Director

Anuradha Nehru

Anuradha Nehru is the founder and artistic director of the Kalanidhi Dance School and Company.
Endurance class
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