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$3,000 per student

Student Scholarship

Help a child in need by sponsoring a student to attend dance classes and take part in student productions at Kalanidhi for one year.

Thank you for your support

Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
$250 donation will cover 2 days of per diem for one dancer
Invitation to Kalanidhi’s open rehearsal prior to the staging of the Fall production
4 premium tickets for Kalanidhi Dance Company’s Fall Production
Invitation to the pre-performance Wine & Cheese Reception at the Fall production
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
25% premium ticket discount for Kalanidhi's company performances
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
2 Premium tickets for Kalanidhi Dance Company’s Fall Production
Invitation to the pre-performance Wine & Cheese Reception at the Fall production
Acknowledgement in Program brochures at all Kalanidhi events
Invitation to Kalanidhi’s open rehearsal prior to the staging of the Fall production
3 Premium tickets for Kalanidhi Dance Company’s Fall Production
Invitation to the pre-performance Wine & Cheese Reception at the Fall production
Student Scholarship
$3,000 per student
Donate Today