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Kalanidhi Dance


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Featuring Sreelakshmy Govardhanan
May 14, 2023 5:00 PM

Maanini showcases the diversity and richness of the ever-tenacious human spirit

This Spring, we invite you to join us as we bring together three exquisite artists for an evening of Kuchipudi dance at its very best. Featuring snapshots of a range of personalities--from the powerful Durga, and the aggrieved Soorpanaka to the lovelorn nayika--Maanini showcases the diversity and richness of the ever-tenacious human spirit.

The show will feature celebrated Kuchipudi dancer Sreelakshmy Govardhanan, whom Kalanidhi Dance is proud to present from Kerala. Having trained under Guru Sri Pasumarthy Rattaiah Sarma, an expert in the Kuchipudi yakshagana tradition, Sreelakshmy Govardhanan offers a unique chance to experience Kuchipudi as it was traditionally handed down in the village.

We are also particularly thrilled to open the evening with two of Kuchipudi’s brightest young talents. Joining us from California, Vedya Spurthi is a student of the leading Chennai-based Jaikishore and Padmavani Mosalikanti, and she comes to us having just finished an acclaimed performance tour in India. We also present Kalanidhi’s very own Deviga Valiyil, a longtime student of our Artistic Director, Anuradha Nehru, who has performed at venues across the country, including the Kennedy Center.

We invite you to mark your calendars for an evening that is sure to bring alive the best of our beloved Kuchipudi!

Partially supported by funding from

May 14, 2023 5:00 PM