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Melattur Margam by Sridevi Nrithyalaya
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Kalanidhi Dance
Kalanidhi Dance presents


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Melattur Margam featuring Bhairavi Venkatesan, Mridula Sivakumar, Sanjena Ramesh
August 25, 2024 6:00 PM

Melattur Margam featuring Bhairavi Venkatesan, Mridula Sivakumar, Sanjena Ramesh

We invite you to join us in celebrating the legacy of Sridevi Nrithyalaya and experience the timeless beauty of the Melattur style.

Sridevi Nrithyalaya (SDN) which specialises in the Melattur style of Bharathnatyam, was founded in 1987 with strong encouragement from Smt. Sheela Unnikrishnan's parents - Smt. Suguna and Sri Ayyappan. Sridevi Nrithyalaya is run by Sridevi Nrithyala Trust and has an advisory board of senior artistes and well wishers supervising the artistic activities of the institution.

SDN is a sought- after troupe by the connoisseurs and art lovers all around the world. Performers of Sridevi Nrithyalaya have travelled far and wide to present the marvellous Malattur style of Bharathanatyam to the international Rasikas and have won appreciations and rave reviews. Apart from giving solo, duet and group performances as professionally trained performers, Dr. Sheela and her team of Teachers travel across the globe to conduct workshops and special training sessions.

August 25, 2024 6:00 PM